Balancing motherhood and career: Top 7 Working Tips for 2024

woman writing and holding baby

Motherhood is undeniably the most adorable moment for any woman and bigger than any achievement in life. But you just can’t let go of your entire career and hard work to be a mom, right? If you are also in this dilemma of how to balance motherhood and career then you are not alone.

At the same time, you are shocked to know that the working moms’ workforce is increasing every year. According to an article published in Forbes, over 70% of women with children under the age of 5 are actively engaged in professional pursuits. So, why not you?

If you truly have a passion for something and want to pursue your career along with motherhood, read this article to the end. In this article, I am going to share the 7 best tips for balancing motherhood and career. I am not claiming any turn-around your routine but yes it is going to be very helpful for you.

Balancing Work and Baby: Accept the Challenge

Needless to say, being a mother is a difficult job in and of itself, and it gets increasingly harder if you want to pursue a profession. Deadline struggles, regular meetings, daily tasks, etc are not easy to while having a child.

But if you want to take that tough call then I am here with you. I can understand your emotions and passions for your child and career respectively. By setting your priorities and making a few alignments, you can easily achieve both dreams.

Balancing Motherhood and Career: Set Boundaries

A person in a white shirt preventing a row of dominoes from falling over.

The foremost step to being a successful mother and making a successful career is to have set boundaries. Although accepting this call and refusing to let yourself or your coworkers take work home could be difficult, you must do it.

Once you can set boundaries between your personal and professional life, believe me, your half-stress will be gone. Turn off your office notifications and disallow any official calls after you back home.

Outsource Your Services

A woman in a beige apron and green gloves cleaning the kitchen countertop with a cloth next to a sink and a saucepan on the stove. The kitchen has wooden cabinets and a white subway tile backsplash. There is a bottle of dish soap in the foreground.

You can’t afford to waste your time on household chores like washing clothes, cleaning dishes, preparing meals, etc. You can save this time for your swiftly growing baby and in this way, you can balance motherhood and career.

Also, you don’t have to be bothered to find the best outsourcing workers as you can get help from various online platforms. You have the option of hiring a babysitter or caregiver to watch your child while you are at work if you are not bringing them along.

Take Benefits of Maternity Leave

A woman in a pink shirt and blue jeans sitting in an armchair, breastfeeding a baby with the support of a gray nursing pillow. In the background, there's a black shelving unit with books, a folded blanket, a decorative lamp, and a hanging plant.

Under some circumstances, the U.S. Family and Medical Leave Act protects up to 12 weeks of paid maternity leave though it can vary from state to state and company to company. However, you do necessarily need not to take all leaves especially if you can manage. Re-read your job contract if there are any mentioned maternity leaves.

Balance Motherhood and Career by Making Time Yourself

I understand that, like other mothers, your first concern is your newborn, but it doesn’t make sense to put yourself last. You’re compromising your own life by rushing to the office and then worrying about childcare, and your baby won’t be happy as a result.

I intend to communicate that your child will experience happiness and health if you do. Take healthy food, maintain proper hygiene, give yourself time for self-introspection, and take a few leaves to spend time with your baby.

Make Long Commutes to Your Partner

a woman with baby child in a bus

Most women complain that they have to travel a lot due to their company is far away but do you know that you can convert it into an opportunity instead? Yes, being a mother may help you get the most out of it.

If you don’t have a car or personal vehicle, you can take one as rent to make the commute to your work location. Instead of handing over your baby at home with a caretaker, I recommend taking him/her with your vehicle. Along the way, you might discover new activities and embark on an amazing trip.

Become a Morning Star

Still not understand how to balance motherhood and career? Welcome to the Morning Star community. Morning is the best time of the whole day and if you own a baby, don’t try to be a night owl (except if things are not on your hands). Make a habit for your baby to wake up early in the morning and enjoy sufficient time with your baby.

The majority of workdays begin when the sun rises, giving you plenty of opportunities to have fun with your child and spend some precious time together. Struggling with how to become a morning star? Read here our amazing article on it.

Final Thoughts: Can a woman be a mother and have a career?

Yes, a woman can be a mother and have a career at the same time. Indeed, it is very challenging to pursue a career while being a mother but this is not impossible. By balancing your daily routine, outsourcing services, and setting up boundaries, you can successfully pursue your both dreams. I have shared 7 tips about balancing motherhood and career, and I hope you will get help from it. Any suggestions and recommendations are most welcome.


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