143 Truth or Drink Questions for friends & couples

Truth or drink questions for couples

Relationships can frequently get boring, regardless of how much you love each other! Then, how do you reignite the pleasure and passion in your partnership? There is a proven solution, and I am back with spicy truth or drink questions for couples to spark your boring life.

In contrast to other games, the Truth and Drink Questions game is perfect and appropriate for couples. You might also refer to this game as a truth revealer. You can ask fun and thrilling questions initially, and as the game goes on, it turns into a romantic and dirty truth or drink question game. So, are you ready to dive into this thrilling game? Let’s begin.

A small playing rule – There is no concept of the game without a rule! The rule is simple: Your partner will ask you a question and you have two choices – answer it or take a sip of drink. Both partners ask the questions one after another. Remember, you will not be able to skip many questions after a few sips of drink, and this is where the real fun begins.

Best Way to Play Truth or Drink Questions

Truth and drink questions have its own rule for how to play it. As I said above, there is no way to play a game without rules even in the absence of rules, games become boring. So, let’s discuss the rules for truth or drink –

  • Gather your friends who are wish to enjoy this game
  • Take your seats (the game is generally played in a round table or you can choose any comfortable position)
  • Now, a friend is randomly chosen who will start the game.
  • It is better to find a friend “who does not drink”. This person will handle the game and situation as well (if game goes long)
  • When a question is asked, it is up to player to answer or not
  • If player choose not to answer, he has to drink a sip
  • If player wish to answer, it must be ensured that he will tells the truth and this is the important rule of the game
  • Similarly, the questions are pass over the other players
  • There is no end of the game, so, you have to set the time limit in the starting itself

Questions to Ask for Truth or Drink

So, you have the rules and know how to play a truth or drink game with your partner. For the ultimate excitement, I have selected the most up-to-date and best truth and drink questions that cover these five well-liked categories. Enjoy them in the series given below:

  1. Funny Truth or Drink Questions for Couples
  2. Romantic Truth or Drink Questions for Couples
  3. Deep Truth or Drink Questions for Couples
  4. Spicy Truth or Drink Questions for Couples
  5. Dirty Truth or Drink Questions for Couples
  6. Truth or Drink Questions Spicy

Funny Truth or Drink Questions for Couples

  • Have you ever called the wrong number but found yourself attached to that person?
  • Have you ever read a book in a loud voice just to show how smart you are?
  • What is the greatest fear in your life and still have with you?
  • What is the phobia you have never told to anyone?
  • Have you ever tried to ignore a person in public that you know very well?
  • Do you have any weird habits that you are ashamed of?
  • What did you do when you got caught roaming with friends instead of studying?
  • What is the funniest thing you ever noticed about me?
  • Are you funny? Why do you think so?
  • Have you ever peed in your pants while sleeping?
  • What was your first reaction when you found yourself without clothes in front of your parents?
  • Have you ever lied about your date? When?
  • Tell me any joke or any fun fact that currently comes to your mind.
  • When did you first time lie to your parents but not get caught?
  • When did you first time lie to your parents but get caught?
  • What is your dream in childhood that now you think was funny?
  • Have you ever beaten your younger sibling (brother or sister)?
  • Have you ever called randomly to the wrong number?
  • What did you do when a boy/girl tried to flirt with you?
  • Do you ever fall in love with your teacher?
  • Tell me the most fun fact about your life.

Romantic Truth or Drink Questions for Couples

  • What were you thinking about me when you first met me?
  • Have you ever thought after our first meeting that we going to date soon?
  • Do you think that you are a romantic person? Prove me.
  • Which is your most romantic date till now?
  • Do you ever think that you will fall in love?
  • How much do you love me? (Don’t say I can die for you!)
  • Have you ever been in the friends with benefits situation?
  • Tell me something about your first-ever date.
  • Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?
  • Do you think that you deserve something better than me?
  • Have you ever felt insecure about our relationship?
  • Do you think males and females contribute equally in a relationship?
  • (For unmarried couples) What would you do if your parents caught us together?
  • What will be your reaction when someone proposes to you while you are committed to me?
  • Do you really think there is something like true love?
  • Why would you prefer money over true love?

Deep Truth or Drink Questions

  • What do you do when someone questions about your career choices?
  • What is more matter to you? A true relationship or career.
  • Do you leave the relationship for your career? If not, how do you manage?
  • Tell me any one reason that you think is enough to break a relationship.
  • Tell me any of your dark truths that you never revealed to anyone.
  • Do you think a person can survive without love?
  • Have you ever fallen in love with a son or daughter of your relative?
  • When was the last time you cried seriously?
  • Have you ever judged based on your gender?
  • What is the worst habit you ever noticed in me?
  • What is one of my habits that you seriously think I should change?
  • Do you think relationships change after marriage?
  • What is your honest expectation with your relationship?
  • Am I the type of partner you have ever thought of?
  • What do you think about a perfect partner?
  • Do you ever think about the other person while in a relationship?
  • What is the most common reason for breakup you think?
  • What is the best way to save the relationship that getting weaker every day?
  • What is the most important lesson you have learned from your past relationship?
  • Have you ever fallen in love with your neighbor?
  • What was your most embarrassing relationship?

Truth or Drink Questions Spicy

Spicy questions are the best way to spark the new warmth in the relationship. When truth and drink questions are played between the couples, one thing must be taken care – Respect each other, otherwise game will be worsen instead of fun. So, let’s see a few spicy truth or drink questions – 

  • Why do you think that you have a unique personality?
  • What do you do when your parents are not ready for our relationship? (unmarried couple)
  • Have you ever enjoyed a surprise date?
  • What are your opinions about the dating apps?
  • What is the topic that you have wanted to discuss with me for a long time but never did?
  • If you ever end our relationship, what would be the reason?
  • What is the most dark secret that you have told anyone?
  • What do you want in your life other than me?
  • Have you ever been insecure about our relationship?
  • What is the most memorable memory that you never wanna forget?
  • What is the dark truth that you always try to hide from me?
  • Have you ever played the truth or drink questions with another person before?
  • When did you first time drink and did you know what are you drinking?
  • What is the funniest thing you did while drunk?
  • When did the first time your parents know that you drank?
  • Do you want to share any truth with me that you haven’t dared to tell yet?
  • What do you do if our relationship fails?
  • What would be the reason for the failure of our relationship?
  • Do you believe that first love is unforgettable?
  • Do you agree with my all opinions or always support me while knowing that I am wrong?
  • What is the foundation of a relationship? Do you think we have that foundation?
  • What do you do when you get to know from your friends that I have an external affair?
  • Do you ever think about dating someone else while being in a relationship with me?

Dirty Truth or Drink Questions for Couples

  • What is the darkest thought that ever comes to your mind about the intimation?
  • Have you ever been intimate with any other men/women before me?
  • What do you think about intimacy? Is it necessary for a relationship?
  • How much do you think being physical is important for a relationship?
  • What will be your response if I ask you for to be intimate with me right now?
  • Have you ever been attracted physically to one of my friends?
  • Have you ever taken the help of the internet about how to intimate?
  • Have you ever taken the help of your friends about how to intimate?
  • Who is the person for whom you get physically attracted for the first time?
  • Which popular personality do you think about while physically intimate with me?
  • When did you last time watch porn?
  • Who is your favorite porn star?
  • What is the easiest way to attract you for a physical relationship?
  • What is your favorite intimation position?
  • Will you break your relationship when you will not be physically satisfied?
  • What is the real love? Physical relationship or emotional relationship?
  • Can you stay a lifetime without any physical relationship?
  • Have you ever been embarrassed during a physical relationship?


Truth or drink questions for couples is a fun game to better know your relationships while having fun. It is an incredible thrill game to reveal the dark side and fun facts about your partner without hurting his/her sentiments. I have listed the most recent and absolutely fun, romantic, deep, and dirty truth and drink questions. I hope you will enjoy them.


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