Top 9 Time Management Tips for Working Moms to be More Efficient

Time management tips for working moms

For a woman, being a mother is undoubtedly the most cherished moment on earth, but it’s not without challenges. The largest challenge for working mothers who wish to pursue their passion, but fortunately, it is feasible to balance parenting and job responsibilities effectively.

Time management just needs proper planning. In this article, I am going to share time management tips for working moms and how to manage time as a new mom. Women, who are going to be first-time moms as they face a unique set of challenges. However, this article will answer your all questions regarding this. Let’s begin.

Time Management Tips for Working Moms

The challenging part for moms is managing the organizational responsibilities while simultaneously handling the household chores. With proper planning and scheduling, this challenge can be tackled easily. Follow the below top 9 strategies to manage your time as a working mom –

  1. Prioritize your responsibility
  2. Set realistic goals
  3. Prepare in advanced
  4. Time blocking
  5. Share responsibility with partner
  6. Seek work-from-home opportunity
  7. Dedicated time for kids
  8. Learn to say No
  9. Use productivity apps

1. Prioritize Your Responsibility

Prioritizing your tasks is essential. It is essential to recognize and prioritize the things that are most important to you. Although your children are undoubtedly your top priority, you must identify your other significant obligations as a working mother.

It could be your office work, time for your partner, daily chores, or any other hobby you want to pursue as a mom. In addition to increasing your efficiency, having a clear understanding of your priorities allows you to save a significant amount of time that you can use elsewhere.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Becoming a first-time mother can be overwhelming. So, it is critical to learn how to manage time as a new mom by using your time efficiently. The more realistic goals your be, the easier it is for you to achieve them by allocating time accordingly. Breaking down your goals and connecting them with “why”, and making them measurable, are a few ways to make them realistic.

If you are feeling hard how to set realistic goals to manage your time efficiently, then again go back to the first point and prioritize your responsibilities. Remember, realistic goals are those that can be achieved in a set period instead of gibberish schedules.

3. Prepare in Advance

Time management for working moms is not an easy task, it needs proper planning, if not, at least prepare in advance. By implementing the above two points, you can better understand what are your requirements and how you should be prepared in advance.

Getting a calendar and scheduling your tasks is a better way to get started. Based on your priorities and responsibilities, you can prepare your calendar in advance about what you have to do in upcoming weeks or months. Plan your calendar a few months in advance if possible; if not, take a few time off from work to handle it.

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4. Time Blocking

Time blocking is the most efficient time management tip for working mothers to schedule their daily routine based on their priorities. It helps working moms stay focused, manage time, reduce stress, and track their daily progress.

Creating the to-do list, time allocation for each task, and scheduling tasks are the three main pillars of time blocking. For example – If you want a friend-meet at 6 – 7 pm, or have a dedicated time slot for kids in the late evening, you should stick to it. You may have to cut down on your unnecessary activities but whatever, make it a rule.

5. Share Responsibilities with the Partner

One of the most important time management tips for working moms is responsibility sharing. As a woman, you are the not only one who loves your kids, a male counterpart (father) is also part of it automatically. Also, No one knows you better than your partner itself. If you are unable to handle all tasks on your own, you are not even compelled to do so.

While following the time-management tips as a working mom, share a few responsibilities with your partner. Let him handle a few regular tasks like picking up the groceries, delegating household chores, playing with kids in the evening, etc. Even if you feel and think your partner is capable of, let your partner lead and take the required accountability.

6. Seek Work From Opportunity

Managing time as a new mom is often challenging but with the right planning, it can be achieved. If you find it hard to manage your time while having kids, communicate with your office if they can offer work-from-home for a specific time period. You have various reasons for asking this especially if have to commute a long to attend the office.

Companies, whether federal or privately held, typically have policies in place for working mothers. They are also accommodating to women who are committed to working toward their jobs while managing household duties. There is a greater chance that you can turn it into a WFH opportunity if you are a single working mother.

7. Dedicated time for kids

Indeed, kids are the top priorities for working moms. While learning these time management tips for working moms and how to manage time as working moms, dedicating a specified time to kids is necessary. You can include block time to enjoy a few moments daily with your kids and follow them regularly.

Apart from that, you can involve your kids in your everyday chores in a fun way if you are struggling to manage their time. Bring your kids with you when you go to the grocery store or supermarket, for instance, to buy food for the day. In the same way, enlist your kids’ assistance when washing your car. As a working mother, this enjoyable time is quite valuable.

8. Learn to Say No

When you know your priorities and responsibilities as a working mother, you know the value of your time and your development goals. So, pleasing everyone should not be your goal anymore. You have to set your boundaries for your coworkers and even for your close friends.

Practice saying no to others until it is an extreme emergence. Believe me, it will save a lot of time for you when you are avoiding unnecessary activities.

Also read: Mother-Son Trip Ideas on a Budget in 2024

9. Use Productivity Apps

Still curious to know – how to manage time as a working mother? The answer lies in the productivity apps that can make you efficient. From assisting in your daily chores to managing your schedule efficiently, productivity apps are powerful tools for time management.

Note-taking apps, to-do lists, meal planning, fitness and wellness, budgeting, etc are a few productivity apps that can manage the time. With smart AI applications, you can even supercharge your daily activity in a more efficient way.


Being a working mom is not easy and we acknowledge it. This is why we have shared the top 9 time management tips for working moms that help in your new journey by managing time efficiently. Remember, wearing multiple hats as a woman is indeed challenging but with proper planning and the right strategy, it can addressed. If you are still curious or have any suggestions, feel free to let us know.

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