How to Become A Morning Person Rather than a Night Owl!

Night owl person

We all have different routines in the morning. Some of us are full of energy while some are struggling to wake up early in the morning. While it’s all-natural and nothing to be worried about it.

But generally, all of our work routines start in the morning and we need to catch up with it. To help you out, today we are discussing how to become a morning person rather than a night owl.

However, it is completely fine if you are a Night Owl Person but your routine requires you to wake up early in the morning. Whether we look at the school timetable, office hours, meetings, or other things, these all start in the morning. Also, waking up early in the morning has its own benefits as we have read since childhood.

Morning person vs night person Psychology

Depending on their Chronotype—which is mostly determined by their genetic makeup—people typically wake up early or late. A night owl and an early bird possess distinct psychological perspectives on working on any given task.

One will love to wake up early while the other will completely hate it. However, it is not right that night owls are always lazy or inactive but it is often seen that morning people are comparatively more energetic and goal-oriented.

Much research says that-” early birds are happier, more punctual, do better in school, and share more conservative morals. This is why we are discussing how to become a morning person.

Night owls are more impulsive, angry, and likely to become cyberbullies”. It again depends on person to person. Though we are not claiming it, researchers claim that.

Benefits of Being a Morning Person

Before I discuss how to become a morning person, let’s find the benefits of being a morning person. To be straight, you may have to face many disadvantages of being a night owl person. If your daily routine is active between 9 to 5, then being a night owl you may face many difficulties.

You will find yourself irritated, lazy, and sleepy throughout your day. So, to balance your work life and your personal life, it somewhere becomes important for you to be more of a morning person.

It will be easier for you to catch up with things and to remain active with your daily tasks. Secondly, it will be beneficial for your physical health also. We all know the benefits of a morning walk and getting exposure to the sun between 8 am to noon. It provides numerous health benefits to us.

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Effective ways How to become a Morning Person

If you are a Night Owl Person, but your partner requires you to change your routine, or it is about your kids or you only have decided to become a morning person, Fortunately, it is possible.

You can try these different ways to become a Morning Person, and make the most of your day.

Shift your Sleep Time

If you want to wake up early in the morning, you need to sleep at the right time. You can gradually start shifting your sleep time before 20-25 minutes and set your alarms accordingly.

Also, you should remember not to shift your sleep time directly 1 hour before, you will not be able to get a good sleep. For better results, try out the mastering day-to-night outfits.

Eat your Dinner Early

You should make a habit of having an early dinner. Try to eat your dinner before 7, it will help you in getting a good sleep. Also when you eat early, your digestive system will also improve and you will start feeling more relaxed and fresh.

Avoid using Phones in Bed To Become a Morning Person

How to become a morning person? Avoid using your phone in bed as it prevents you from sleeping. If you are trying to become a morning person, then you have to sleep early. But if you will be using phones or social media in your bed, then it would not be possible for you.

Instead, you can make a habit of reading books or listening to soft music while you are going to bed to sleep.

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Be careful with Caffeine

Many studies show that, if you intake caffeine before your bedtime, it can disturb your sleep cycle. So you should avoid having tea or coffee at least 1 hour before you go to bed. So that you can sleep peacefully.

Also, if you take too much or regular caffeine in the form of coffee or tea, you are gradually addicted to it. It turns your brain neurons active for a longer duration, this is why taking late-night caffeine products is not recommended.

Be consistent with your sleep and wake up Time

If you no longer want to face the disadvantage of being a night owl then you need to be consistent. For this, you have to turn around your daily schedule and stick to it rigorously.

Try to sleep regularly at the same time and get a good sleep of at least 8 hours. You will feel more productive and energetic the next day. However, this habit will not change overnight, give yourself time, and don’t do it forcefully.


Here in this article, we have discussed How to Become A Morning Person and also discussed the Morning Person vs Night Person Psychology. However, it depends on your individual choice and routine what type of person you want to become: a night owl or a morning bird.

If you feel comfortable at night and habitat to it then do not force yourself to turn it to morning star overnight. In case, you insanely want it to change, take slow steps daily as mentioned in this article. Hope this article will help you out, if you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to comment below.


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