Can Dating a Friend Ruin Your Friendship Forever?

pros and cons of dating a friend

Does dating ruin a friendship? This is not our question but the question of our thousands of readers who continuously ask us for dating advice. Though we cannot exactly describe if dating really ruins a friendship, this article will be an analysis of – Dating and ruining a friendship.

It is a deep question and the answer may vary from individual to individual based on one’s relationship with a friend. Many couples turn their friendship successfully into a romantic relationship while some others fail to do so. What and why do things go wrong? We will try to find out the solution to this question by discussing the pros and cons of dating a friendship.

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Will Dating a Friend Ruin the Friendship?

Not exactly, dating a friend may not affect your friendship if there is a mutual understanding. Dating a friend offers more flexibility and trust for the dating relationship as both know each other very well. However, many people ruin their relationships due to immaturity of relationship, changes in relationship dynamics, and due to fear of losing the relationship.

Dating and Ruining a Friendship – Pros & Cons

To understand better this topic, I am adding a few positives and negatives of dating a friend. This friendship turns into a romantic relationship and has its own pros and cons of dating a friend that needs to be discussed. By analyzing the pros and cons, you can decide if you should date or not to a friend.

Benefits of Dating a Friend

beautiful young girls taking selfie together

Understanding and Trust

Dating someone you already know has a lot of benefits and the biggest positive is – Understanding. If a friendship turns into a relationship after a long time friendship, it definitely benefits the relationship in every way. Additionally, you both already trust each other (that’s why you have decided to turn it into a relationship)

Understanding each other better is a great pros of dating a friend that creates a strong foundation for a relationship. This foundation often takes years to achieve, so yes dating a friend is a good idea (if mutually ready)   

Read more: 143 Truth or Drink Questions for friends & couples

Know the Good and Bad Traits

When you are friends, you know each other better as a person. You know their best and worst qualities and how they react in a particular situation. This makes partners avoid any unwilling situation that may turn an incident into an accident. A new couple may take a long time to get to know each other and understand their habits. During friendship, you find every trait like – Love, Anger, Sad, Reactions, Like, Dislikes, etc.

Comfort with Friend

This is self-explanatory – Whom which you feel more comfortable? A new relationship or a good friend of years. Obviously, a friend, who stays with you for a longer time and knows almost everything about you. Comfort is one of the biggest benefits of dating a friend that allows you to share your deepest feelings and this comfort level sometimes even you not get from your family.

Fast Maturity of a Relationship

As discussed, you both already know each other very well, so it will take very little time to mature your relationship too. New couples spend most of their time understanding each other and knowing each other’s preferences. When you date a friend, it will eliminate this phase as already gone through it. In other words, you will start your relationship with maturity instead of investing time in building trust.

Cons of Dating a Friend

Dating a friend is indeed a beautiful thing to do however, we shouldn’t forget the cons of dating a friend when we are discussing dating and ruining a friendship. Let’s have some downsides of turning a friendship into a relationship –

You May be Taken Granted

The most common reason why dating ruins a relationship and friendship both that you are taken for granted. Partners already know each other very well and every trait of their partner makes it too casual to taken for granted. This condition will worsen the relationship because it also lacks the respect that a relationship should have.

You cannot back to Friendship

The other drawback of dating a friend is that it is irreversible. When you are dating your best friend and come into a relationship, you cannot go back to the friendship relation. Anyhow, when you have a breakup in this relationship and can restore your friendship, it is almost impossible to get the same trust and respect that you had earlier (before the relationship).     

Read more: Shift from Lesbian Friendship to Love 

Risk of Losing the Friendship and Relationship as Well

The other drawback of dating a friend is that it is irreversible. When you

The overall encapsulation of dating and ruining a relationship lies in this fear – If you lose both friendship and relationship. It is obvious that if the romantic relationship doesn’t work, you will not only break this relationship but also lose your friendship for years. Even worse, you cannot restore your old friendship as I discussed above.

are dating your best friend and come into a relationship, you cannot go back to the friendship relation. Anyhow, when you have a breakup in this relationship and can restore your friendship, it is almost impossible to get the same trust and respect that you had earlier (before the relationship).

Unable to Discuss Your True Romantic Emotions

Friendship and romantic relationships both are different things in general. When you turn your true friendship into a romantic relationship, your mind may bewildered about what to choose even though you already accept the relationship. This confusion may hamper and restrict the relationship that you going to enjoy in the upcoming days.

In this scenario, trust and mutual understanding play a pivotal role in managing this. Also, remember, that if you have a low emotional quotient (EQ), it is hard for you to manage the relationship and the emotional attachment it goes through.


Is dating a friend ruin your relationship? In this article, we have discussed the various aspects of friendship and relationships. By analyzing the various pros and cons of dating a friend through this article, you can make your own decision if dating your friend will be right for you or not.

We cannot exactly declare if you should date your friend or not, as it also depends on your personality and the expectations towards your relationship. I hope this article will help you to understand and be able to answer your question about dating and ruining a friendship.


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