70+ Dirty Pickup Lines That Actually Work

Dirty pickup lines

Pickup lines are the best way to start a conversation, more specifically, a conversation to flirt. Dirty pickup lines for girls and guys can be funny questions, humorous lines, icebreaking questions, etc. However, pick up lines don’t necessarily mean insulting or being vulgar, there are more fun ways of entertaining these sessions.

In general, these lines have a direct meaning of flirting with someone; including boys and girls. The good part is that these statements can go well while you are using talking over the phone or even doing text messages. Whether you are meeting someone first time or have a crush on someone, these lines perfectly work for you. However, don’t pass unnecessary comments when someone is looking interested.

Dirty Pickup Lines for Girls

  1. Do you like fishing? Because you just have caught me.
  2. Are you a magician? As everything disappears when I see you.
  3. Do you have a map? I am losing my way to you.
  4. Are you a time traveler? I have seen you as my future.
  5. I don’t have an undergraduate degree but has a master’s degree in love.
  6. You’re like Medusa; I’m rock-hard because of you.
  7. I’m an adventurer and I want to explore you.
  8. Is your name Love? Because you’re the one I’m looking for.
  9. Can you lend me a kiss? I will give it back with interest.
  10. How’s your heat tolerance? Because things are going to get spicy.
  11. Do you drink soda? Because you look so-da-licious.
  12. Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to all my prayers.
  13. Is your name Sweetheart? Because you’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.

Spicy Pickup Lines for Her

  1. I am good with numbers. I will prove it to you; give me yours.
  2. Excuse me, but I think you dropped something: my jaw.
  3. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
  4. Do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you.
  5. You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.
  6. Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot?
  7. I must be a snowflake because I’ve fallen for you.
  8. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
  9. Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.
  10. Do you have a license? Because you’re driving me crazy.
  11. Excuse me, do you have a name? Or can I call you mine?
  12. Is your name Wi-Fi? Because I’m feeling a connection.
  13. Do you have a sunbeam in your pocket? Because you’re brightening up my day.

Also read: 150 Spicy Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Dirty Pickup Lines to Make Her Laugh

  1. I’m not a photographer, but I can picture us together.
  2. Do you believe in fairy tales? Because I think we could write one together.
  3. Are you an alien? Because you’re out of this world.
  4. Do you have a time machine? Because I see us together in the future.
  5. Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for.
  6. Do you have a library card? Because I want to check you out.
  7. Excuse me, but I think you’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.
  8. Do you have a compass? Because you’re guiding me to love.
  9. Are you a work of art? Because you’re a masterpiece.
  10. Do you have a crystal ball? Because I see a future together.
  11. Is your name Cupid? Because you’re piercing my heart.
  12. Do you have a recipe for love? Because I think we could whip something up.
  13. Are you a dream? Because you’re all I’m thinking about.
  14. Do you have a license to kill? Because you’re killing me with your looks.
  15. Is your name Music? Because you’re harmonizing my heart.
  16. Do you have a pen? Because I want to write our love story.

Naughty Pickup Lines for Couples

  1. Are you a firefly? Because you’re lighting up my night.
  2. Do you have a key? Because you’re unlocking my heart.
  3. Is your name Sunshine? Because you’re brightening up my day.
  4. Do you have a paintbrush? Because you’re coloring my world.
  5. Are you a poet? Because you’re making my heart sing.
  6. Do you have a guitar? Because you’re strumming my heartstrings.
  7. Is your name Starlight? Because you’re shining bright.
  8. Do you have a passport? Because I want to travel the world with you.
  9. Are you a puzzle piece? Because I think we fit together perfectly.
  10. Do you have a magic wand? Because you’re casting a spell on me.
  11. Is your name Honey? Because you’re sweetening my life.
  12. Do you have a pair of wings? Because you’re flying into my heart.
  13. Are you a shooting star? Because you’re making my wishes come true.
  14. Do you have a heart? Because you’re stealing mine.
  15. Do you have a lollipop? Because you’re making my heart suckers.
  16. Are you a bubble? Because you’re making my heart float.
  17. Do you have a teddy bear? Because you’re making my heart cuddly.

Dirty Pickup Lines for Guys

  1. Do you have a court date? Because you have fine written all over you.
  2. If you were an elevator, I had to enter you daily.
  3. You are so a sweet guy, may I bite you?
  4. Are you a loan? Because I have an interest in you.
  5. Are you Siri? Because you autocomplete me.
  6. Are you a charger? Because I cannot stay longer without you.
  7. Are you a Wi-Fi router? Because I am feeling a connection with you.
  8. I avoid talking to strangers online but you are an exception.
  9. Do you know how to do CPR? Because you just took my breath away.
  10. You must be a talented thief because you have managed to steal my heart in all the possible ways.
  11. Trust me I am not drunk but I am intoxicated by you.
  12. I am not an electrician but I can light up your days and nights.
  13. Wise people say nothing lasts forever. Would you like to be my “nothing”?
  14. I’m not a photographer but I can picture you and me together. Are you ready?
  15. If you were a song, you would be the best track on my smartphone!


Dirty pickup lines for girls and boys are flirty and entertaining to grab attention. These are fun to play with friends, but they work especially well when you play icebreaker questions with someone you don’t know. When used skillfully, pickup lines can add charm to an encounter and be a great way to spend time with a boy or girl. By sticking to the formal pick-up lines, we attempted to avoid using offensive language. You can, however, leave a remark if you have any further ideas.


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